Compassionate Care and Intentional Guidance for all of Denver, Colorado

Your Next Step to Change

Empowering all those that struggle with eating disorders and trauma

Are you feeling out of control with food and worried you’ll never feel different?

Even when things feel hopeless, you are not alone. This journey to a life worth living can be long and difficult; let us provide you with the hope that change is not only possible, but achievable, and sustainable.

  • In the face of feeling out of control and having exhausted various attempts to find relief, therapy tailored for eating disorders and trauma provides a specialized and empathetic space for profound transformation.

    In the therapeutic journey, you'll discover a collaborative environment where your experiences are acknowledged and validated. Guided by compassionate professionals, you'll explore the roots of your challenges, gaining insights that pave the way for effective coping mechanisms.

    Therapy becomes a transformative avenue for regaining a sense of control over your narrative, fostering resilience, and offering a personalized roadmap to lasting well-being. The comprehensive and tailored approach addresses not just symptoms but the underlying factors contributing to your struggles, empowering you to navigate challenges with newfound strength and understanding.

  • Therapy specialized for eating disorders and trauma serves as a transformative refuge for those accustomed to running from uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

    In this therapeutic space, you're encouraged to confront and navigate these discomforts with support and understanding. Rather than fleeing from distressing emotions, therapy becomes a sanctuary for exploring their origins and developing healthier coping mechanisms. Let us guide you through this process, fostering self-compassion and mindfulness to help you face challenging thoughts and emotions with resilience.

    Through therapy, you not only gain the tools to sit with discomfort but also discover the strength to navigate it, ultimately contributing to a more empowered and authentic journey of healing and recovery.

  • Do you. feel like the things from your past are constantly affecting how you engage with the present?

    Let us help you learn how to help the past stay in the past, We provide you with a compassionate and supportive environment to confront and process these haunting memories. We will support you through the delicate process of unpacking the emotional weight associated with past events and foster understanding and improved resilience.

    Through the therapeutic process, individuals are empowered to reframe their narratives, gradually alleviating the haunting impact of the past. By addressing the roots of trauma and its connection to eating disorders, therapy becomes a vital tool for reclaiming agency over one's narrative and fostering a path to profound healing and recovery.

  • For those grappling with the overwhelming sense that thoughts of food and body image dominate their lives, therapy specifically designed for eating disorders and trauma emerges as a transformative ally.

    In our therapeutic space, individuals are guided to explore and understand the complex interplay between their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors surrounding food and body image.

    We utilize and provide compassionate support to help individuals reclaim control and establish a healthier relationship with food and self-perception. Through tailored interventions and coping strategies, therapy becomes a pivotal tool for reshaping the narrative, empowering individuals to transcend the grip of these pervasive thoughts and regain autonomy over their lives.

    The transformative journey of therapy offers a pathway to liberation from the dominance of these concerns, fostering a renewed sense of self and promoting lasting healing and well-being.


There is BEAUTY IN BECOMING who we are meant to be.

Hi! I’m Amanda Sweetbark!

I’m an expert in supporting those who struggle with food, their body, and their weight,  committed to helping you change your life by freeing you from the beliefs that challenge your happiness, your hope, and being who you are meant to be. 

My work focuses around improving our awareness around how we think, how we feel, and how these affect our behaviors and beliefs. I know how important it is to identify the patterns we engage in that keep us stuck, and I know how important it can be to get support through this challenging, and scary, process. I believe that everyone deserves the support they need to help them change their relationship with themselves, their bodies, and with food. 

I am passionate about helping people rediscover themselves through exploring how our past and internalized beliefs have shaped how we interact with ourselves, with food and our weight, and with the world. Working on your relationship with food, yourself, and your body is one of the bravest things you can do. I’m here to help you make your journey as successful and as supportive as possible.

Trust the process.

Embrace the uncertainty.

Enjoy the Beauty in Becoming.

I specialize in therapy to break free from old patterns and behaviors that are getting in the way of you living your life, your way.

How I help

  • As a therapist specializing in eating disorder and trauma therapy, my mission is to be your ally in breaking free from old patterns and behaviors that hinder you from living life on your terms.

    Together, we embark on a journey focused on growth and change, exploring the roots of these challenges with compassion and understanding. My focus is on providing a safe space where you can unravel the complex relationship between your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors concerning food.

    Through evidence-based interventions, personalized strategies, and empathetic guidance, we work collaboratively to identify and reshape harmful patterns. My goal is to empower you to cultivate a healthier connection with food, promoting self-discovery and fostering resilience. Together, we navigate the path to liberation, enabling you to reclaim control, embrace self-acceptance, and live a life aligned with your true desires.

  • My commitment is to guide individuals on a journey of breaking free from old patterns and behaviors that hinder the pursuit of a life lived authentically.

    I approach each session with sensitivity and a deep understanding of the lasting impact these experiences can have. Together, we navigate the complexities of trauma, working collaboratively to unveil the roots of harmful patterns. Through evidence-based therapeutic modalities, I provide a safe space for processing and healing, empowering individuals to confront and transcend the effects of trauma.

    With compassion and tailored interventions, I support the integration of coping mechanisms that foster resilience, enabling you to reclaim control over your narrative and embark on a path towards personal freedom and well-being.

  • When it comes to anxiety issues, my approach is rooted in fostering self-compassion and self-understanding. Together, we navigate the intricate landscape of anxiety, exploring its connection to eating disorders and trauma.

    Through personalized strategies and evidence-based interventions, I provide a supportive space for unraveling the complexities of anxious thoughts and behaviors. My goal is to empower individuals to develop effective coping mechanisms, fostering resilience and a life where anxiety is no longer in the driver’s seat.

    With a focus on your unique needs, I am committed to helping you overcome the challenges of anxiety, guiding you towards a future where you can live life on your terms.

  • When it comes to addressing depression and mood issues, my approach is rooted in helping you discover more empathy and understanding of your own challenges and move towards sustained change.

    My commitment is to empower individuals to cultivate healthier emotional states, fostering resilience and supporting you in building a life worth living. With a focus on your unique needs, I am dedicated to supporting you in overcoming the barriers posed by depression, guiding you towards a future where you can reclaim joy and embrace life on your own terms.

  • As a therapist specializing in eating disorder and trauma therapy, my commitment extends to not only assisting individuals in breaking free from old patterns but also supporting those who are navigating the complexities of caring for a loved one facing mental health concerns.

    I understand the unique challenges faced by support people, and my approach is rooted in providing guidance and understanding. Together, we explore strategies to foster effective communication, set boundaries, and cultivate a supportive environment for your loved one.

    Through education and empathy, I aim to empower you with the tools to navigate the journey alongside your loved one, fostering a sense of resilience and promoting a healthier dynamic within your relationships. My goal is to help you create a supportive space where your loved one can embark on their path to healing and well-being.

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Ready to take the next step but have more questions? Let’s schedule a time to touch base and get a better idea of how I can support you through the therapy process.